FAQs and Price List

Prices from 1st April 2024

3m Bell Tent £165
3m bell with built in groundsheet £185
4m Bell Tent £175
4m bell with built in groundsheet £195
5m Bell Tent £185
5m bell with built in groundsheet £205
6m Bell Tent £185
6m bell with built in groundsheet £205
7m Bell Tent £215
8m Bell Tent £225
Emperor/Luna £220
Lotus Air Bud £185
4m Lotus Belle £185
5m Lotus Belle £220
6m Lotus Belle £220
Lotus Stargazer £245
Lotus Mahal £500
Porches £50
Lotus Rain Covers £50
Tent Inner Liners £50
Dry First Service £25

How do we get our items to you? 

There are several options:

  1. Bring your items to our warehouse – please contact us arrange an appointment
  2. We can arrange a courier for you. Please box up your items and send us the box dimensions (length width and height in cm and weight in kg) and your collection address and phone number. *** Please try and keep the box smaller than 100cm length for the cheapest shipping price *** We will then book a courier and email you a shipping label to print and attach to the box.
  3. You are welcome to arrange your own courier service – please advise us of arrival date and ensure your items are labelled with your name and contact details.
  4. For several items, a pallet delivery may be more cost effective. We suggest palletonline.co.uk or www.p4d.co.uk/pallet-delivery

What do I need to send in? 

For Lotus Belles – please remove all detachable items, including wall poles, guy ropes, stove flashing and groundsheets and send in the canvas only. A surcharge of £25 per tent applies if these items are not removed.

For Bell Tents – you can leave the guy ropes attached. Please remove groundsheet (unless built in) and send the canvas only.

Groundsheets – these can be washed if you wish for an additional charge of £50.

When you send your item in, you must ensure it is completely dry. It may be with us for several weeks before processing, and The Canvas Cleaning Company cannot accept any liability for deterioration whilst with us if the tent has been sent in damp.

If you have no way of completely drying your item before sending it in, please let us know and we can offer a dry first and storage service for £50 per item.

Please also inform us of any known damage and any previous treatments. 

How long will it take? 

Turnaround times vary throughout the year. Our busiest time is September – April and wait times could be several weeks.

When you send your items in, we will give you an estimate of when your items will be processed. 

When and how do I pay? 

We invoice as soon as your items are complete, and payment can be made by bank transfer.

Payment is requested within 10 working days and is kindly required prior to shipping/collection. 

We are not able to store items once complete. Should shipping/collection not be arranged within 15 days of invoicing, we reserve the right to charge additional fees.

What about damage?

We inspect each item visually prior to treating for small holes or tears or any damage. Sometimes these can be hidden by dirt, or too small to see with the naked eye and may become more evident after washing.

If the canvas is very mouldy, the canvas fibres can start to degrade, and this can be exacerbated by the washing process. Likewise, if your tent has been up for long periods of time in direct sunlight or under trees, or is exceptionally dirty, some weaker stitching and canvas may come away, tear or damage in the process.

Window and door mesh are the most fragile parts and whilst every effort is made to protect this, your tent is put through a mechanical process and damage can sometimes occur.

We will always be honest with you about any concerns, or any issues that occur during the process and discuss repair options with you.

There are times that the mould or stains are so ingrained in the canvas, that only a chlorine treatment will remove them – this can result in some lightening in colour. For this reason, we recommend if your item comes in two or more parts, all parts are treated to ensure consistency in colour.


We use different chemicals depending on the type of canvas. Every item is tested to check how well it has held the chemical prior to dispatch but please note we do not fully erect tents to test.

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons (age, UV exposure, or that the canvas has come to the end of its life) the waterproofing chemical may not completely take despite our best efforts. Whilst every effort will be taken to fully re-waterproof items, The Canvas Cleaning Company cannot be held liable for failed waterproofing.


Most canvas tents are made from pre-shrunk canvas. This means there is minimal risk of shrinkage however this can happen infrequently, and customers send items in at their own risk.

After washing and drying the canvas fibres can feel tight (like a pair of jeans after washing!) and it may be difficult to initially erect. In our experience, the canvas just needs time and a bit of moisture (e.g. dew) to ‘relax’ back into shape. Once up, you will find after a couple of days, guy ropes can be tightened as the canvas resumes its original shape.

We will wash each item with a programme designed for the specific type of canvas. However, The Canvas Cleaning Company cannot accept any responsibility for shrinkage despite all best efforts to ensure this does not happen.

Any complaints must be addressed to us, in writing, 10 days after you receive your items. Any subsequent claims after this period will not be honoured.

The above information constitutes our Terms and Conditions and sending items in confirms your acceptance.